Vehicular Heatstroke Prevention System
An arduino based project was built to prevent vehicular heatstroke for TECHNOVATION’18 contest held in our college.
Project Diagram
- Arduino
- Arduino IDE or any other arduino compatible IDE
- DHT library of arduino
- DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
- Ultrasonic Distance sensor
- Buzzer for alarm
How to Run
Simple Steps to build the project:
- Wire the data pins of DHT-11 to digital pin 10
- Wire the echo pin of ultrasonic sound sensor to the digital pin 6.
- Wire the trigger pin of ultrasonic sound sensor to the digital pin 4.
- To install the DHT library, use the Arduino Library Manager and search for “DHT sensor library” and install the library.
- Open the heat-stroke_prevention.ino file in the Arduino IDE and upload to the board using appropriate settings.
Have fun!
Presentation Slide
Team Detail
Team Name: DevDevil
Team Member: Harsh Sinha, Sushil Singh & Suvam Nandi
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2018 Vehicular Heatstroke Prevention System - Released under the GNU General Public License v3.0